Let’s face the Challenges !
In these turbulent times it can happen that long-awaited SAP EPM projects to replace old systems are stopped. This is annoying, a great pity, but also understandable.
What has not been stopped, however, is your customers’ expectations of the systems. On the contrary, expectations have probably increased.
The diagram shows what the “customer” understands as ASK and what the “provider” has to offer as OFFER together with the associated challenges.

- Do you trust your systems to meet the requirements with reasonable effort? Do your solutions show the following symptoms, if applicable:
- High effort for operation
- Instability
- Data loss
- Massive manual efforts for data acquisition as well as for the creation of reporting, dashboards and forecasts?
The reasons for these and other symptoms are manifold. Your business has evolved faster than your system landscape, workflows and processes are inefficient, housekeeping of systems has been neglected, patches are not up to date. And what we see very often is that the symptoms can be found in the initial implementation.
Why a SAP EPM Health Check now?
A good performance of your BI/EPM systems is always, but especially now, of utmost importance. Your management must be able to make future-critical decisions quickly and easily based on correct facts and simulations. This also applies to external reporting with your regulators, banks and stakeholders.
A health check can quickly reveal potentials and solve problems with little effort. It can also be used as a basis for deriving instructions for action for ongoing operations.
Health Check – Focus topics
Performance in
- Reporting
- Data loading
- Data processing and delivery (is the night too short to get all data into the system?)
- Both the processes in the system and the processes in your organization must meet the requirements.
Data model
- Do you have an enterprise-wide, aligned data model?
- Do you store the same data in different data silos?
- Do you spend a lot of time and effort reconciling data?
- Do you spend a lot of time creating standard reports?
- Do you copy data from different sources into a PowerPoint?
- Does your controlling department have time to analyze and comment on the reports?
- Does your solution meet self-service BI requirements?
- Can you or your business department create a new management-ready dashboard within hours?
Planning, Forecasting
- Is the solution agile and flexible?
- Can you simulate?
- Do you use a value driver tree ?
- Or are you trying to master an Excel monster?
Of course, a Health Check can be tailored to your requirements.
You know the symptoms of your system best. Complementary, our experts have many years of experience and have seen a lot.
No matter how and what you check, the goal should be that you can master the ongoing challenges with your existing solutions in the best possible way until it is time to upgrade your solutions to the latest technical state.
How do we proceed?
With the technologies available today, we can perform a SAP EPM Health Check completely remotely. Access to the systems is usually possible and with video chats you get an almost real meeting room feeling.
Our templates
We have a large number of templates which can be quickly implemented and quickly lead to valuable results. https://www.cubeserv.com/loesungen/sap-analytics-produkte/
Like our latest cloud solution PeoplePLAN which will inspire your HR department.
Our experts
Depending on the scope, we carefully select the best experts for your issues. All experts have many years of experience in SAP BI/EPM, both with older systems and with the latest SAP solutions such as BW/4HANA, Data Warehouse Cloud or SAP Analytics Cloud.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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