All Posts from Adrian Bourcevet

SAP Analytics – the basis for better decisions?

“SAP and users were best friends – and then came the cloud.” This quote aptly illustrates that some companies are currently taking a critical view of SAP’s path and offerings. Yet many of our customers are facing enormous challenges. 1. the four most important ones

Architektur SAP Dataset bereitstellen

Provide SAP dataset easily and securely

“In God we trust. All others must bring data.” Whatever your attitude towards God, I am convinced that the quality of decisions determines which goals we set ourselves and which we achieve. We can almost always find the data in the data platform, the data


SAP Datasphere: Master the democratization of data access

Today’s business world is characterized by rapid change and constant innovation. Companies face numerous challenges. From the need to stay at the cutting edge of technology to the need for self-service options, to the importance of business analytics and semantics – all of these aspects

Irresistible dashboards

How can I turn my dashboard into an irresistible dashboard? Benedikt Bleyer (CubeServ Group) and Lars Schubert (graphomate) gave us some ideas at the 19th CSC in Zurich. Everyone is looking for the wow effect, so I would like to pick up on these topics.

7 essential elements of a successful data strategy

In today’s digital age, the success of any business lies in leveraging its data and transforming it into actionable insights. However, this requires the implementation of a comprehensive data strategy. Yet even as companies invest more heavily in data and analytics initiatives, they face old

Data Mesh - Domain Ownership

Support BI Self-Service – Implement the Data Mesh Concept!

How do you leverage the full potential of their data? Networking the various stakeholders is the most promising way to achieve high-quality results with fast, agile work. This is how report recipients become shapers with facts. Data Mesh points the way to collaboration at eye level. You haven’t heard about the Data Mesh concept yet, I’d be happy to give you a brief introduction.


SAP Analytics Outlook 2023

What will 2023 bring to the SAP Analytics landscape? The user experience in the SAP Analytics Cloud will be fundamentally improved and, with the One Data Catalog, the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud will establish itself as a central pillar.


Data Culture: How to make better business decisions

Data Culture in Today’s Data-Driven World With the right data culture, you will recognize the best courses of action in your everyday professional life. In doing so, you establish an excellent decision-making process that guides you to the best results, even in stressful situations.The world

Auf dem Weg in die AWS

On the way to the AWS

AWS Cloud: We migrated our 50 systems in 100 days. I’ll give you an introduction here, so you can get to know the AWS Cloud.

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