All Posts from Thorsten Stossmeister

The Internet of Things, Big Data and a Fischertechnik Factory – Part 1: The Challenge

Das Internet der Dinge (IoT) ist einer jener Begriffe, die sich inflationär in Nachrichten, Vorträgen und Veröffentlichungen finden und deren häufige Verwendung zum schnellen Überdruss beim geneigten Leser führen. Die natürliche Reaktion auf das Auftreten solcher Modebegriffe ist das Abwarten, ob die Welle nicht genauso

The SAP Data Warehouse Cloud – A New Big (?) Throw (Part 1)

What is the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud? If you want to take a look at the future of SAP products, the SAP Teched agenda ( is a very useful crystal ball, at least for the near future. This agenda shows that SAP is focusing emphatically

The SAP Data Warehouse Cloud – A New Big (?) Throw (Part 2)

Administration as the beginning of all analysis In a new empty system there are always some administrative steps to be done first, fortunately in the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud there are only a few that absolutely have to be done. Of course, it starts with

SQLscript solution pattern

Been looking for it for a long time? Now you’ve found it! Our overview of typical problems and solutions in the area of HANA SQLscript. The solution patterns range from purely linguistic problems (e.g. “Which language element do I use to determine the first entry”)

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