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Challenging times for Finance & Controlling

Let’s face the Challenges !
The current COVID-19 pandemic creates multi-faceted challenges for companies. There are several risks which need to be taken care of. People, Supply Chain, Production, Liquidity just to name a few. The risks itself are not new but the global magnitude of it is unprecedented. Globalisation might be regarded in a different light in future.
Finance/Controlling focuses strongly on the Liquidity and the possible threat of a recession. Cash is king for now. Companies who already invested in agile processes, software but also People will be able to reap profits now. Companies who are in the middle of such projects may by no means stop them, even though cost-cutting measures are in place. 
Take a minute and ask yourself as a member of the Finance/Controlling Team:
  • Can I fulfil my role as Business Partner and deliver “Value Added Analyis”?
  • Can I deliver all the answers to my management in a timely manner?
  • Do I have enough time to look at the numbers, get insights and comment them
    or in other words do my controlling job?
  • Did I get all relevant information, analysis, reports, dashboards, and support from my BI/IT department or did I have to start a spreadsheet and Power Point exercise?
  • Can I build my own reports, analysis and dashboard based on a corporate database?


What is Management ASKING, What has Finance/Controlling to OFFER

If you can fulfil all the afore mentioned topics, congratulations. Your organisation is well ahead of a lot of your competitors. If not, do not worry, there are fast ways to solve one or another of the above-mentioned issues.

The SAP Analytics Cloud, the only modern SaaS solution for all-analytics capabilities covers most of your expectation towards Self-Service Business Intelligence (Spreadsheet like analysis, Dashboards etc.), Planning and Predictive. 


The augmented analytics capabilities, a next-generation data and analytics paradigm that uses machine learning to automate data preparation, insight discovery and insight sharing for a broad range of business users, operational workers and citizen data scientists will support your daily work in a tremendous way.


Please join us on our upcoming  Webinar series  Challenging Times for Finance & Controlling 


The Webinars audience are the Finance and Controlling teams. It will always include Live Demos and be held in English. 

Duration: approx. 45 min, all times are CEST.

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