Dear Reader,
The days are already getting shorter again. Can you enjoy the summer carefree? I am cautious about that: Major crises are casting their shadows ahead. Energy will be a very scarce commodity and thus we will be confronted with price increases all over the front. This pressure to adapt will challenge us: time for good analytics.
Have you established the right data culture in the company? If everyone can find the data they need, understand it, and use it, then you’re on a very good path. If not, it’s not too late to start initiatives.
The framework conditions in the SAP stack have continued to improve. Time to start innovative projects in the SAP stack! For example, you can now save SAC planning data directly to DWC (go to SAP blog post). Another data silo that can be resolved today.
How do you actually feel about getting into the analytics world? I like to use the Fiori launchpad as a successor to the portal. Not everything is perfect there, but with some extensions I can see at a glance where the journey is going. And can get into the analysis or, if necessary, target with my transactions.
I wish us all a relaxing summer and look forward to seeing you at our CubeServ Congress in Düsseldorf and to tighten the network for future challenges!
Write to me! I look forward to your feedback.
On behalf of the entire CubeServ team, yours

Adrian Bourcevet
We invite you to the Community Event for Business Analytics in the SAP environment:
- Customer presentations
- Current BI topics
- Interactive exchange
CubeServ Congress Düsseldorf
September 20, 2022 | 09:00 – 17:00 hrs
To gain time for innovative projects, SAP has announced a new Business Objects release. This postpones the end-of-live (see SAP blog post).
And also thanks to the position paper of the DSAG, on which Dr. Stoßmeister worked for CubeServ, the roadmap for BW/4HANA is filling up. It shows that working together in the DSAG moves us forward.

We have discussed with customers how the desire for more BI self-service can be implemented in everyday life through a Business Analytics Platform. This makes the data usable across technologies.
Can our users work productively with the data if we simply grant them access?
Read more
Are you already using Fiori Launchpad as your central entry point into the modern SAP world? Thanks to our Fiori Launchpad Extensions by CubeServ, your entry point to the portal will become a clear eye-catcher.
Fit for the consulting business in three months with our StartSmart trainee program!
In 2022, four new colleagues again successfully completed our “StartSmart” graduate program with SAP certification and are fit for future project assignments!
StartSmart Onboarding
StartSmart Abschlussevent
StartSmart Programm
We were present with analytics and planning solutions at the DSAG Technology Days in Düsseldorf on May 3-4, 2022, and with AMAG for a Data Warehouse Cloud presentation. Directly afterwards, on May 10, 2022, the exciting CubeServ Congress took place in Zurich. Lastly, on June 21-22, we presented our solutions for HR at the Personaltage in Berlin and showed a presentation on workforce planning with ÖBB.
DSAG Annual Congress “In Search of Success” in Leipzig: October 11-13, 2022. Visit our trade fair team at the booth!